A Girl's Wish

Hey all those guys out there!!!!

Did you ever wonder, why a girl, more precise, a little girl, loves her Daddy the most?

Did you ever think, why a girl asks for time when you propose her?
Did you ever think?
If you ever thought about it, did you find any answer for it?

I don't think so. Because for this, answer lies buried deep in her heart! Within the girl's heart. What is that thing, that a girl wishes for, as she grows up? Why she rejects your proposal but accepts someone else's? Well, the answer lies in her childhood, her family, her Daddy!! 

I write this blog today, to tell all those people, who blame a girl, force her to love them, without asking her wishes, her choices, that if you want her to love you, first learn to respect her, her choices, her wishes.
The ultimate wish of a Little Girl is to get somebody in her life, like her Father, who will treat her like a princess, who will make her smile everyday. Just like how her Daddy's good morning wish to her, makes her smile, similarly, she wants someone, to make her smile in the morning, at night, and in every moment she lives in. As she takes time to accept or refuse you, she compares you with her dad!
A woman is a delicate flower, and she needs care to handle.
But she has her own rules, principles, which she likes to stick to!

So guys, try to understand her, her heart! If you love her, you need to understand her first.

Learn to love them, respect them.

                                                                                                From a Little Girl! <3

1 comment:

  1. make her to smile daily is lil tough, it deponds on her mood! but how?


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