Why did I grow up?

The Little Girl, has realised today, that she has grown up! She isn't that "LITTLE" any more, to just play around, and have a fun-filled life. She had grown up, grown up faster than she expected she would, handling herself as well as the responsibilities!

When she was young, she could play all around her house, finding boys, and beating them, till they said sorry and never showed their faces to her! :p She completed her homework within half or one hour, and spent the rest of the evening, either on her Daddy's lap, or Mummy's arms! Watching TV was her only hobby! She loved those cartoons that were telecasted on the Kid's Channels. Well, after all her life was just Perfect, "The Picture Perfect life"! She could eat whatever and how much she wanted!  She had a writing pad which was made of Iron Fillings and a Magnetic Pen! So many memories as a Kid!! It was so boring to write with the pencil, when she saw her seniors writing in pen. ;) There was an absurd curiosity that popped up in her mind, that, whatever might be the time, she found Mummy by her side! :"(
From a fun-filled life till 8th standard, The Little Girl started growing and finally reached in the front of the palace, where she has to rule!

[Daddy]:  Never change baby! <3 Baby stay here!        
 (Mind Voice)
                            She never will have any competitor! Save it for Eternity.  She is rude! But still, she remains in chains! She cant go out, her family's strict order!
Growing up causes lot of difficulties.
Well , she will surely see about that! As the picture says, being small, is wonderful, and that is why, people have realised that, (like Peter Pan, funny name!?)
Growing up means there is a pressure of performing well in studies! "First Impression is the Best Expression", we can hear it every single morning!
All those kiddish days are gone!
And here we are, sinking in the pressure of studies, or jobs.
We grew up, but we are still amazing!!!
Just glance around, You will find a familiar place. Talk your HEART, AND YOU WILL LOVE EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE!!! <3

                                                                  ~The Little (Grown-Up) Kid!! <3

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