Somethings are better if left unsaid! Many of you would have known this saying, and I am one of them, who has experienced it better than others. The Amazing Little Girl, after a long time, has come across another story today, the story of love, the story of pain, the pain which was left unsaid to the person, who could have reduced it!

She was my class in the second grade, and I was just another commoner for her, who could just see her from far, and would rarely get a chance to converse with My Lady, as the say in Game of Thrones series. Yes, she was the one I would marry, live with, hug and sleep at night with, have children with. Hope it wasn't too much I was thinking for my age, but you see, Love is Blind. Guess what guys, I was that lucky person, (oh God, I am so gifted!) with whom she came and spoke on her own. A rare sight, I could see the eyes turning towards me, the eyes filled with jealousy, (if really anybody was looking though!) The talk was nothing personal though, just friendly chit-chat. Her smile was remarkable.
I had fallen in love with this beauty, and i wished her to be mine. One day, in fourth grade, when we had become close, I asked her to come with me to the canteen. She smiled and followed me. In the canteen, as I walked with her, people turned to look at us, and this time I was so sure, they were filled with jealousy. And I am the "Lucky Bastard". I had planned to propose her today. Here, in front of the world, tell her how much I love her, how much she means to me. Then we sat down, and she said, "I want to tell you something Dev. I am leaving the school after three days. I am sorry but my father got a transfer. I wanted to tell you this before, but couldn't make myself to tell you. I am really sorry." It broke me, shattered me. But I was determined, that I will tell her, no matter what. I was experiencing a pain, that as unbearable. And only she could heal torn pieces of my heart and soul. So I went on my knees, now I knew, everyone was watching. She stood up, her eyes big, looking here and there, watching people. "What are you doing?" she asked. I didn't answer her question. I took her hand in mine, kissed it. I took out a red rose which I had bought especially for her, offering it to her I said, "You are the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. It is my privilege to have known you. As you have decided to depart from my life, I have just one thing to say, would you......"
I stopped, looked at her, seeing the shocked expression, completed...
"My Lady, would you prefer an ice-cream or a juice?"
The whole canteen burst into a roar of laughter. I saw her smiling first, and then she too started laughing. It was the best gift she could give me, before leaving me.
And then she left. I still have the key-chain, she gave me. It hangs at the side of my bag, even after being placed in a company. She was my first love, and will remain. No one can ever take her place. After all, love in Second grade shall always remain precious and close to my heart."
And then he left, to board his plane, and I sat there, staring blankly, at the retreating figure. And then I cried. He was going for his wedding. I met him at the gate, and had started a conversation, which ended this way. I wished him good luck for his new life. And as I board my plane, I told my heart, there are few things, which are to be left unsaid.
I was the girl he was talking about, and I too love him.
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