I don't like growing up! :(

             How many of you guys told to someone that you don't want to grow up? Have you?
Remember, when we were young, and we saw our mom or dad being so responsible, getting praised, suiting up or getting dressed,  we fantasized about being like them. But now, after you have grown up, into the fine man or woman that you are, ask this question to yourself: "Do you like being a grown up?" What have we really achieved by growing up?

             Did we know to retaliate? Did we know that our one misdeed can cost someone their life? Did we even have a slight realisation  that there are so many two-faced people? The answer is No!

              Yes, you have realised appropriately. We lived in a deluded world. What we saw or experienced, was all mere illusion. Life isn't simple. Hell, growing up isn't simple. We were gullible. We were blithe and yet it never actually caused us any harm. Do you guys no why? Because we always acted depending upon our parents' approbation. We all have disparate beliefs. We like doing what we feel is right. But what happens when people judge you for being happy?
We get depressed, lose self-confidence. But we learn to get up, wash our wounds, and start living our life again.

              The worst part of growing up is "DEATH"! You have to see people die, people close to you on the death bed, and it shatters your world. You thought this world was perfect. But it has some ugly truths. A girl, who was one of your admirers, who came to you and complimented your hair or your lips one day, and the next day you come to know that she is gone, forever, can you live in peace. It haunts us. There absence haunts us. Those nimble movements they made, her voice, her memories haunt us. It is unbelievable to believe that that person is no more. There are no words to describe that empty feeling.

               We have to see our parents grow old,to see their glow fade away, the wrinkles appear. Beauty doesn't last long, you know? We forget them, and later realize our mistake when its too late. We separate them from their happiness, their only shelter. We become selfish as we grow old. So seriously? What is good in growing up? Why should we grow up?

                But unfortunately, we have to grow up. It is the rule of life. We will have to face Death ourselves; we have to let it liberate us from this sinful earth. We pay our debts in this cynical world, and try to attain salvation. That's the purpose of growing up. These attachments are temporary. They fade away. Memories wither away.
                 So, hold on to your life. Be happy. Because life is short. And we don't have any other choice other than growing through life and its phases.


  1. Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times.and develop urself from the negative.... And if things don't work out, just take another shot....
    Cool work pradips😍


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