
I suddenly had this thought today, and I found no other better place than my blog to share this with all of you. Today, is the day after the BIG, HYPED, Valentine's Day. Today is 15th February. 
But I am not here to write about love. I am here to talk about Loss.

There are so many people who have left your lives, some were good and other went with bitter goodbyes. Few of them who were so close to you 1 year back, now don't exist besides you. They left, you accepted, you moved on. But suddenly, you reminisce about how this particular day was, 1 year back. It feels so real that suddenly, you can't believe they left you. Suddenly you would just want to run back to them, seeking their presence back in your life.
Let's say, you succeeded. Then what? What happened to you the first time, happens all over again. You get hurt, they leave you, again.

So tell me, was it worth? Worth all the hurts and pains and tears?

For all of you who are trying to make the same mistake, never go seeking for people's presence in your life. If they stay, cherish them. If they leave, let them go. If they come back, accept them once, but beware, trusting them again blindly might prove disastrous. Observe and step forward. Never fall prey to the same trap twice.

Giving people second chances is fair, it only becomes unfair when you lose count of how many second chances you have given to a person. 

~Amazing Little Girl

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