The Glowing Moon

She wished to be there, high up in the sky
Among millions of stars, that one glowing moon!
But she stopped and thought, Cuz her heart was dry, 
Was it too big to wish for too soon?

Her heart skipped a beat, Cuz the answer was no...
She had to prepare, for the storm accompanied the snow.
Her heart was calm and her eyes on fire,
She knew she had to fulfill her heart's desire.

Off she went, raging across the sea,
She had to find her destiny
Cutting through the howling winds and showers,
Cuz she wasn't meant to be adorned with the flowers.

People mocked, people hurt her pride
She is a girl, they said, and she must be a bride!
People looked at her and said, “Oh, she is not strong”,
But she smiled and replied, “I am here to prove you wrong!”

She was a warrior, she knew, not a princess,
Armor of determination, mind never a mess.
Her sword was her will, her hands not shivering,
She brawled, she thrived, focus not quivering.

At last, she won her battle, the little girl overjoyed
The world was in awe, she was a complete wonder.
She won, like a real hero, her haters annoyed
She ruled the sky, glowing more than any other.

~Amazing Little Girl <3

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