How many times have you felt like giving up? Giving up on life that so preciously your parents took months to get you? You feel it is the only option, isn't it? No, it is not.

No matter how tough and rough life gets, there is always a ray of hope, guiding you. Life makes you go through many ups and downs, only to make you better, stronger and to prepare you for a challenge of a lifetime, which will change your life. But what do you do? You finish your life before you can even get to that one golden opportunity.
No, suicide is not an option. It is wrong. Not because you don't have rights to do whatever you want with your life, but because you are going to miss the most important part you are destined for.
Think. Calmly. Keep all your trouble aside for just a few minutes and think. Imagine you are gone from this world but you have come back to pay one last visit to all your loved ones. What will you see? Your mother hugging your lifeless body and crying hopelessly. She hasn't had food for several days and all she can think about is how much she loved you but that wasn't enough for you to stay alive. You will see your dad, not crying, thinking about how to pay you, last respects, but then when you visit him at night, you see him crying profusely, burying his face in a pillow. It will be the first and last time you would have seen him cry. It will kill you to know that you are the reason for all these tears and pain. Your brother and sister, sitting in one corner, with your photo in their hand, not saying a word.
Now tell me, is it worth it? Were all your troubles, caused by some bunch of strangers, worth enough all the pain your one action has caused to your loved ones? NO. Then why?
Let's not get driven by some rash feeling or anger take away this wonderful gift God has given you.
Remember, "Your mother did not carry you in her womb for nine months, suffered all the pain giving birth to you just to see you kill yourself."
If not for you, at least for them, STOP.
~Amazing Little Girl <3
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