Hello everyone. There is never a doubt in my mind when I started to write about this topic. Isn't it so obvious? Every day, I hear something so horrid that it shakes my inner core. It makes me tremble and feel threatened, what if the same thing happens to me? When you marry a person, whether arranged or love, you only know the person the way he wants you to know, isn't it?
I really wonder, how a person can be this heartless, to beat up his own wife or girlfriend, or even think about hurting a woman. Does he never think about what his mother would have felt if his father treated her that way?
I took up this topic on a special request from one of my followers, having the lovely name, Monica. She reached out to me and talked to me about how she loved a guy who used to hit her. I was disappointed to know that even though he treated her that way, she still wanted him to stay because she wanted and needed him in her life. And guess what the guy thought? He thought he can do whatever he wants to her and she would still stay. Talk about the extent of taking a person for granted. Finally, she stood up for herself and left him. But her sufferings did not end there. As she had many guy friends and now no way the guy could torture her physically, he started calling her prostitute in public, when she is out with her friends. How much crueler can the world get?
Being an Indian, where I think is a Land of God, humanity is almost at zero. Abuse is not always physical. Sometimes, without even knowing, you abuse a person. That is unintentional abuse. However, there are few people who like to call a person with names in public, to humiliate a person, to make them feel miserable but also to gain some sense of authority. This is normally seen in people who try to control things, but when the situation turns against them, to satisfy their ego, they go about doing these horrific, meaningless activities.
I personally have been a victim of such comments, prank calls, fake accounts, etc. All these experiences actually make you hate the world, but once you have moved on, it gives you a sense of power. Once you let it go, you will learn to love yourself better, knowing that you are beautiful, no matter what.
What I mentioned here might seem very little of value to you, but to those who have faced this, it feels the world to know that there are thousands who share the same fate, and sometimes, sometimes, it helps him/her to regain the strength they had lost.
#13ReasonsWhy 'Cause you never know what your one smile can do to change a person's life! <3
~Amazing Little Girl <3
Greatly penned !!keep up the good work