Her Dreams

She followed, praised by everyone,
How she wished if she could be a little more.
Growth was what she was hungry for 
Yet somehow world seemed to be sour. 
She heard women were breaking stereotypes, 
Oh, what she would give to do just that, 
But society seems to have her locked, 
All she had was hope and the will for combat.
Early as a bird, hard-working as an ant, 
She gave her all, yet the sight of success was faint. 
People told she was not made for it, 
She was weak, women, for heights not fit. 
And then, one day, life smiled at her, 
Now, she flew to heights, success accompanied later. 
Supporters for her always hard to find; 
All those who never believed, now followed behind!

@pradipta_writes <3


  1. It's great. Me likie. The emotions are just right. Keep up the good work dips. And hope your next work is even better than this one.

    1. Hey buddy! Thanks a ton!! <3 I will try my best! :D

  2. I do agree , and also do appreciate,
    following ones his heart is always something great,
    But something for which I cannot wait,
    Is to know what's this girls fate.
    What u wanna do or what u want to achieve,
    Where u see itself in future and what u believe ??

    The post is month ago, but I think it's never too late,
    I expect an reply, let's see and wait..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Though, I am not that "pradipta" but i hope she replies you after all its been a year!


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